Pruiti: Austin Daye looks more comfortable handling physical defenses

Sebastian Pruiti of NBA Playbook profiled Austin Daye. A sample:

"I think Austin Daye’s length will allow him to be successful in the midpost area, along the baseline.  Daye’s arms are so long that he makes it so easy to enter the ball into him in that position.  Daye can then face up, keeping the ball high and either penetrate or hit attempt a step back jumper (something Austin Daye seems pretty effective at doing).  The problem with playing in this area (and while playing with his back to the basket) is that it invites contact.  This is one of the reasons why he didn’t work the midpost area too much last year."

Check out the entire post, which includes video analysis. Pruiti gets this stuff, and it’s always a treat when he writes about the Pistons.