Sebastian Pruiti of NBA Playbook diagrams two key plays from last night’s Detroit-Utah game

Sebastian Pruiti of the always interesting NBA Playbook looked in-depth at a couple key plays from last night’s Pistons loss to Utah.

The first one, which no one is probably interested in reliving, looks at how the Jazz worked to get that open three for Raja Bell that was ultimately the game-winning shot.

The other play, however, is more favorable from a Pistons perspective as Pruit diagrams a vintage Rip Hamilton play. Here’s part of his analysis:

"In recent years, Richard Hamilton has been one of my favorite players to watch, and usually it is when he doesn’t have the basketball.  Hamilton might be the best players using screens off of the basketball (Ray Allen is up there as well), and coach John Kuester was able to use that skill to get his team (and one of his best shooters) a wide open look late in their game against the Utah Jazz."

It’s still nice to remember that, despite the fact that it’s abundantly clear the Pistons need to deal him, Hamilton has been a pretty unique player in his career.