Dwane Casey’s wife, a sports marketing executive, worked with Ben Wallace
By Dan Feldman
It appears the Raptors will probably hire Dwane Casey, but if they don’t and the Pistons still have interest, Casey has a connection to at least one Piston. Here’s part of a 2007 interview Casey did with Steve Aschburner of the Minneapolis StarTribune:
"Q. One difference in you this season is, you’re a married coach rather than engaged. How has your wife, Brenda, a sports marketing executive, handled the ups and downs?A. It’s really no different from before. The basketball’s still the same. The focus still is the same. Same time watching tapes. Brenda’s been good – she’s been through it. She understands. She’s a basketball widow. She played basketball, so she knows the game, she knows the time commitment that goes into it. Which makes it a lot easier.Q. Does she attend the games?A. When she’s in town. She travels a lot. To Chicago – Brian Urlacher is one of her clients, she does his marketing. Also Ben Wallace."
It probably doesn’t make much of a difference. If he’s the best coach available, he’s the best coach available. I just found it interesting he already has ties to Ben Wallace.