D-League socks remind Ben Wallace of having to keep the lights off growing up

Vince Grzegorek of the incredible Uni Watch blog posted this excerpt from fringe NBA player Lance Allred’s new book  (hat tip: jayg108):

"LeBron: “Look at this guy!”Ben Wallace: “What?”LeBron: “He’s wearin’ his D-League socks. Someone get this sumbitch a new pair of socks.”Me: “Thanks, Bron, but I am okay. I wear these socks to remind me where I came from.”LeBron: “Man, if I was doing that, my socks would have no toes.”Ben Wallace: “I would be playing basketball in the dark. Don’t you dare turn on that light boy! Wasting the electric bill and all!”Me: “All apologies, fellas. A comparison of socioeconomic backgrounds was not my intent. Your shot, Mr. James.”"