Will Bynum discusses how game film helped him develop into a NBA player

It’s no secret that I’m a Will Bynum fan. Although I recognize that he’s probably never going to be a starting caliber point guard, I do think he’s one of the best values in the league when you consider his production/contract. But it’s also his personality that makes me love watching him play, something that was highlighted in a recent interview with Dime Magazine:

"For me, I’m not really in love with the business aspect of the game. I understand it and I appreciate it. I’m in love with developing my craft and getting better. If that means me going across seas to play, then that’s what I’m gonna do because I have to keep developing. I’m in love with the game. I’m not in love with the money or anything like that. I’ve always played to get better because I love it."

In the interview, Bynum discusses his youth basketball camp and a unique piece of advice he gives kids — start watching film of themselves. Bynum says that his game started improving drastically when he started understanding the importance of watching film of himself with a critical eye to identify things he need to get better at.