Vince Ellis of the Detroit Free Press caught up with Lawrence Frank as Frank was reading to children at an event in Detroit. Of course, they couldn’t talk much about basketball still, so we found out about Frank’s baseball allegiances instead. Frank also gave an update about the search for assistant coaches:
"Frank offered no timetable for when he will announce his staff, and there’s no huge rush to do so, considering the labor dispute doesn’t seem close to being resolved.“The big project is putting together a staff and putting together a staff that everyone embodies those core values that we talked about back at the press conference — but guys with different backgrounds and different experiences,” Frank said. “I don’t want all the same guys. We want to have a staff that brings different perspectives to us.”"
Considering this mysterious ‘process’ everyone talks about so often in Pistons land now took so long to produce a head coach, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the team is using the lockout as an opportunity to be thorough with the assistant coaching search as well.