ESPN's Chris Broussard cited anonymous sources as saying ESPN's Chris Broussard cited anonymous sources as saying

Richard Hamilton’s sources say he did not threaten to leave his agent


Earlier, ESPN’s Chris Broussard cited anonymous sources as saying Richard Hamilton was upset that his agent, Leon Rose, was among seven agents who favor union de-certificatication and who wrote a letter to NBA players urging them not to accept an unfavorable deal. Broussard reported that Hamilton was so upset that he threatened to leave Rose and “take other players with him.”

But man do I love Twitter. Broussard himself broke the news on Twitter. Luckily, though, Hamilton has a Twitter account as well and didn’t have to go far to issue a denial:

"@Chris_Broussard “Source says Rip Hamilton told his agent Leon Rose he’s upset Rose participated in letter.” 100% UNTRUE. Never happened."

As of writing this, Broussard hasn’t responded to Hamilton.