Corey Maggette has nickn..."/> Corey Maggette has nickn..."/>

Maggette strikes again: Pistons official nicknamer has one for Kyle Singler


Now you can scratch two Pistons rookies off of the list of players Corey Maggette has nicknamed this season. After it was reported that Maggette dubbed Andre Drummond ‘Pimp Juice’ over the summer, David Mayo of MLive says that Kyle Singler picked up nicknames from both Maggette and Greg Monroe after his performance last night:

"Greg Monroe has taken to calling Singler “Bucket Man.”“I call him ‘K-Smooth,'” Maggette disclosed.  “K-Smooth played tremendous.”"

Although I certainly appreciate Maggette’s willingness to hand out nicknames and I would never question his expertise on such matters, I have to say, I think Monroe’s is better here.