""Dirty player? Not at all. I just saw an open lane, I tried to block (him) and he’s 4-foot-11, 100 pounds wet, so it looks bad," Villanueva said. "But I’m not a dirty player. I didn’t try to hurt him at all."Villanueva said he was surprised that a Flagrant-Two was administered and he was ejected, calling it, "just a regular foul.""He’s a little dude, man. It looks worse than what it was," Villanueva said."
That’s a fair point by Villanueva. Sure, he’s probably having a bit of fun at Thomas’ expense with the size comments, but it’s valid that the foul likely looked worse than it actually was considering the difference in stature between the two.
But, no Villanueva didn’t make his point and stop there. Mayo:
"Villanueva said he knew little about Thomas, a second-year player who has played 94 career games."He has less than 100 games? Wow. I didn’t know that. He was a rookie last year? I didn’t even know that. That’s how much I know about him," Villanueva said."
Sorry, Charlie. Kobe does it better.