"Frank, who coached Garnett for a year in Boston, called the 18th-year veteran, "the Ray Lewis of football" for his ability to stay motivated throughout his long career and that if trash-talking is problematic for someone, then Frank suggested Garnett did his job, even invoking the name of Sun Tzu, the Chinese military tactical genius who wrote "Art of War.""People have been talking trash for years," Frank said. "Some of the greatest trash-talkers to play this game have been some of our greatest players. You’ve just got to play through all that. It’s like when a referee makes a call you don’t like.""
I don’t know what exactly Kevin Garnett says during games. I love trash talk, but perhaps naively, I believe standards of real-life decency shouldn’t completely end where the lines of NBA courts begin.
But I mostly agree with Lawrence Frank here. The best thing Garnett’s victims can do is ignore him.
Still, I wonder what Charlie Villanueva thinks about his head coach praising Garnett for the very thing that set off Villanueva two years ago.