STAN VAN GUNDY. D. This was more the type of game I expected the Pistons to have last night against Memphis, to be honest. But at the same time, I’m not surprised the Pistons blew this one. Reggie Jackson’s struggles are well documented, but I’m still waiting for Van Gundy to put him into better positions to succeed. I understand that having no training camp, never starting full time and having to learn a new set of teammates late in the season is difficult, but this has been painful to watch. I also have no idea how this team has lost to Philly three times this season. I mean, I do, but I don’t get how it’s possible that they can repeatedly come out so horribly against bad teams and then play up to competition against good ones. There was a laundry list of things Van Gundy needed to fix when he took this job, and being able to take care of winnable games like was one. Outside of one month, the Pistons have made zero progress on that front this season. But, hey, they’re <a href=. Head Coach. Pistons