How Sekou can improve
Moving forward with Sekou in Detroit, it goes without say that he’ll need to improve on his scoring abilities. He’s more than capable of putting the ball in the basket, but the way he goes about it needs to change.
A majority of the time it felt like whenever he attacked the basket and went in for a layup, it’d be blocked. He was too often met at the rim and wasn’t able to get through the defender. He made just 53.9 percent of his shots at the rim.
Another area where the Pistons need him to improve is with his passing. He only dished out 38 assists this season. Whenever he does pass the ball, he’s often just used as a vessel to get the ball to someone else who then initiates a play.
One could certainly make the argument that the reason he averages to few assists is because of how few chances he actually gets with the basketball.
Because of this, any time he has the ball he feels like he needs to make a play happen as soon as possible.
Even if this were actually the case, making smart decisions with the ball is valued just as much as actually scoring.
If he were able to become one of Detroit’s ball handling options on pick and rolls, it could drastically improve both his facilitating skills as well as his scoring output. As it stands, his court vision isn’t at a level that it needs to be at.
Defensively he can be quick to jump passing lanes and can get out in transition, but often finds himself in the middle of miscommunications and loses his man. Something that Christian Wood struggled with to open the season, but has recently improved.