Ranking all the 75th anniversary NBA city edition uniforms

A jewel encrusted basketball with NBA 75th anniversary detail. (Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images)
A jewel encrusted basketball with NBA 75th anniversary detail. (Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images) /
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NBA 75th anniversary Detroit Pistons
A jewel encrusted basketball with NBA 75th anniversary detail. (Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images) /

Ranking the NBA city edition uniforms

I would buy one of these…

These five uniforms are all really nice and I would think about buying one.

Chicago Bulls: These are just clean and simple, which is what you want when you have an iconic city and team. The Bulls have had some nice ones over the years and these are not the best, but they are pretty nice.

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Portland Trail Blazers: I am not a huge fan of whatever is happening on the sides of these but the color scheme is always nice and the “Rip City” is solid even though they’ve used it several times now.

Denver Nuggets: These are interesting, love the color scheme (even the weird pattern on the sides) and the font.

Atlanta Hawks: I know some people do not like these but I dig the color and the hawk. I like when teams try for something different and Atlanta did here.

Memphis Grizzlies: Memphis always has nice alternates and these are no exception. I love the blue color and the simplicity of the design.