Detroit Pistons: Chances of each option/free agent returning

Hamidou Diallo #6 of the Detroit Pistons (Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)
Hamidou Diallo #6 of the Detroit Pistons (Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images) /

The Detroit Pistons hope to add impact talent to their roster this offseason but also have to make decisions on several of their own players.

There are seven players who will either be free agents or have an option this offseason, and the Pistons could choose to part ways with some of them to try and upgrade.

Here are the seven guys and the chances they return to the Detroit Pistons.

Detroit Pistons: Options and free agents

The Detroit Pistons will have two free agents, one of whom is likely to be back and one that isn’t. They also have five players who have options for next season.

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Rodney McGruder: Unrestricted free agent, 5% chance to return

McGruder did what he was asked to do this season, and actually played well when he was called upon. He was a solid veteran presence off the bench who shot 39.7 percent from 3-point range. He could probably have a similar role on a playoff team, so I think we’ve probably seen the last of Rodney McGruder in a Pistons’ uniform. Dwane Casey does like the veteran, but it feels like he can find a better fit for this stage in his career.

Marvin Bagley III: Restricted free agent, 75% chance to return

Marvin Bagley III found new life with the Detroit Pistons after being traded and added an element of athleticism in the front court that they were missing. He still has some glaring flaws as a player, especially for a guy who was chosen second overall, but MBIII can get buckets off the bench and that is what he’ll be asked to do. Troy Weaver seemed happy with Bagley III’s time in Detroit, as did Bagley, so there will be mutual interest in brining him back. The only thing preventing it is if some team swooped in out of nowhere and put a big deal on the table, betting on Bagley III’s promise and what he showed as a Piston. Hard to see that happening, so I think he’ll be back as long as he is willing to take a deal in the Pistons’ comfort zone.

Cory Joseph: Player option, 90% chance to return

Cory Joseph has a player option for $5.1 million next season and is almost certain to exercise it. He seems to like playing for Dwane Casey and has been solid in the role he’s been asked to play. That role will hopefully be much smaller next season, so it is possible that the Pistons could trade him to a contender, but his price tag might make that difficult. The Pistons could be very young next season and will need some veterans, so I think CoJo will be back, albeit in a smaller role.

Carsen Edwards: Team option, 0.5% chance to return

Edwards joined the Pistons late in the season and had a mini-tryout. He wasn’t that impressive, so it’s hard to imagine the Pistons bringing him back given their glut of guards and the fact that they could be drafting one or two more. Detroit needs more size at the backup guard position, so I don’t see Edwards as a great fit, especially since Saben Lee has a guaranteed deal next season.

Luka Garza: Team option, 25% chance to return

Detroit loves Garza’s work ethic and in that regard, he is the exact type of player they are trying to add to the roster. But he struggled to stay in front of anyone on defense this season and just looks a step too slow. Even if they keep Bagley, the Pistons have to get better, deeper and more athletic up front, so while I could see Garza returning on a two-way deal, I think the Pistons will upgrade their center position one way or another, which will probably leave Garza out.

Frank Jackson: Team option, 60% chance to return

Frank Jackson wasn’t very good this season, but he has shown he can knock down the 3-ball and be an instant offense guy off the bench. He’s also making just $3.1 million next season, so could represent a value contract if he can get back to shooting 40 percent from 3-point range. Jackson’s fate will likely be decided by the draft, as the Pistons could end up drafting two guards who they think offer better value and upside than Jackson. If I had to guess, I’d say that Jackson will be back, as he has the potential to be an asset at that price.

Hamidou Diallo: Team option, 70% chance to return

Given his upside and skillset, I’d say Hamidou Diallo is the most-likely of the team option guys to return. He was originally drafted by Troy Weaver’s team and Weaver has always been high on him. Diallo showed some defensive potential this season before getting hurt, and gives the Pistons some much-needed athleticism. His fate will also be decided by what happens in the draft, but it’s harder to see the Pistons finding a guy with his upside/athleticism in the second round. Like Jackson, he’s on a reasonable deal, which could also make him a trade asset later in the season.

We know Troy Weaver is not afraid to make moves or send guys packing, so I wouldn’t be shocked at all if none of these players returned next season, especially if the Detroit Pistons make a splashy move in free agency that eats up most of their cap space.

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