How Ausar Thompson will impact the Pistons’ defense immediately

City Reapers guard Ausar Thompson (0) Credit: Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
City Reapers guard Ausar Thompson (0) Credit: Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports /

Last year, the  Detroit Pistons struggled to contain the opposing team’s best player, especially when that player was a multidimensional wing. As I mentioned in a previous article, the small forward may be the most valuable position in a positionless NBA.

Small forwards need to be able to defend quick, shifty guards without getting in foul trouble. They also need to be able to guard at least power forwards who could be 6-foot-10 or taller. Ausar Thompson projects as a player who could guard one through five.

Detroit Pistons: Ausar Thompson’s elite defensive potential

As a guard/forward standing 6-foot-7 Thompson has all of the physical tools needed to successfully defend in the NBA. His lateral footspeed will allow him to stay in front of athletic ballhandlers, a trait missing on the Pistons, perhaps since Bruce Brown. His wingspan allows him to effectively rotate, guard taller players, and protect the rim.

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Beyond his physical ability, Thompson has shown the mental capacity to play at the NBA level. Although the competition in Overtime Elite doesn’t quite compare, neither of the Thompson twins rely solely on athleticism. Both brothers have shown an awareness of how plays unfold, how to anticipate passes offensively and defensively, how to disrupt offenses, and how to read an opponent’s body.

If you watch Thompson’s highlight reels, you’ll see him disrupt passing lanes, blocking at the rim, and playing with power. Obviously, these are highlight reels, and Thompson wasn’t playing in the NBA. But they give a sense of his potential.

The Pistons sorely needed length and athleticism on the wing, and Ausar Thompson provides both. Thompson’s greatest strength currently lies with his defense, and he has all the tools to be an elite defender in the NBA.

For years, the Detroit Pistons have struggled defensively when switching. With a distorted roster consisting of undersized backup guards or multiple bigs a step slow, when the Pistons got caught in a screen, their opponents could pick their mismatch.

An athletic, savvy wing with the physical ability to guard multiple positions will anchor this roster and create opportunities for multiple players.

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