3. There is No Timetable for Winning Basketball
This is a tough pill to swallow, but a necessary one. The Pistons are not ready to win. Unless a team just had a glitch year or a severe injury, no team goes from 14-68 to a playoff team the next season. The Pistons were among the worst at defense, perimeter scoring, turnovers, forced turnovers, scoring, and this isn't going to change in one season, or possibly two.
Langdon's mindset is currently to establish a culture of winning basketball. He knows the team is not gonna win every game, but he wants a team that plays winning basketball every game. He sees the Pistons as a team that needs a foundation. He talked about the young core and a group of professionals on the court and the value and mindset they can bring to the franchise in the future, but they need proper habits and foundation first. Whether fans like it or not, this is going to be a long process.
Did Langdon quell the fears of the fanbase in his first press conference? No. Has he made moves that align with his plans to run the organization? Yes. Will it work? Nobody knows, but the fact is there is change in Detroit and the goal of the franchise is to return to prominence. According to both Langdon and Gores, everyone involved has the same goal, but it's far too early in the hiring to see his plan in action. The franchise gets the fresh start it badly needed, but now the real hard work starts.