Detroit Pistons: Best and worst-case scenario for each player in 2019-20

Detroit Pistons Andre Drummond and Blake Griffin. (Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images)
Detroit Pistons Andre Drummond and Blake Griffin. (Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images) /
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Detroit Pistons
Detroit Pistons Thon Maker. (Photo by Chris Schwegler/NBAE via Getty Images) /

Prove it year

Thon Maker

Thon Maker represents the type of player the Pistons should be going for as a mid-market team, that is not a free agent destination. Players like him are generally a home run or a strikeout. So far Maker has largely been the latter but has shown enough to arouse some hope.

Related Story. Detroit Pistons 2019-20 preview: Thon Maker's profile. light

The best-case scenario is that Maker added some strength to his wiry frame so that he can play back up center without being rag dolled. In the best-case scenario he improves his three-point shooting into the 35-38 percent range and becomes a legit stretch five off the bench.

The worst-case scenario is that he continues to look lost on defense, shoots 30 percent from three again and can’t establish himself as a rotation player, losing his minutes to Christian Wood or Markieff Morris. If Maker improves he could be an X-factor for Detroit, but if he doesn’t he’ll likely be playing bass for a band call the “What-ifs?”