What each Pistons player must improve to make a leap next season

Detroit Pistons v Dallas Mavericks
Detroit Pistons v Dallas Mavericks / Sam Hodde/GettyImages
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Simone Fontecchio: Attacking closeouts and creating

I don’t think it’s any secret that Simone wants to be in Detroit for the next few years, and Detroit wants him. I wrote last week about extending Simone being a top priority for Detroit, and I would expect an extension here shortly. After that is completed, Fontecchio doesn’t honestly have a ton that he must improve on this offseason. Tek-19 is already one of the best corner three point shooters in the NBA, and has average to above average defense. He is exactly what Detroit needs, whether the roster improves and he is coming off the bench, or is to remain in the starting lineup next season. 

If there is one thing that Simone can improve on this summer, is continuing to create for himself, and get to the line more often. Last season, he averaged 1.6 free throws per game, which was a career high, but could use another bump. One thing that differs between Simone and the guy he was replacing, Bojan Bogdanovic, is Simone’s creation ability. He needs to continue evolving in that regard.