Dennis Rodman enjoyed Bill Laimbeer’s reputation, applauds The Oprah Winfrey Show’s end and claims supremacy over LeBron, Wade and Bosh

Eric Schmoldt of Sports Radio Interviews has a great transcript of Dennis Rodman … well … being Dennis Rodman on WQAM in Miami yesterday. Among the topics, Rodman says his Bulls with Jordan and Pippen would’ve definitely beat the Heat trio, he apparently crashed Ricky Williams’ wedding uninvited, he talks about the need for Larry King and Oprah Winfrey to retire and he says today’s richest athletes have no personality. Yep. Typical Rodman.

His only Pistons-related comment dealt with Bill Laimbeer and his ability to get into opponent’s heads:

"“He wasn’t a dick. To other players on other teams, yeah, he was a real asshole. … But it’s cool the way he intimidated people as far as getting into people’s heads. … All the guys on that team got into people’s heads and he was the catalyst of all that.”"