last night’s win over the 76ers, last night’s win over the 76ers,

Why Lawrence Frank will help Maurice Cheeks in Pistons’ locker room


Before last night’s win over the 76ers, I answered a few questions for Carey Smith of Philadunkia, including one about the possibility of Maurice Cheeks losing the locker rom:

"Philadunkia:  Between the Josh Smith run-in and a month long stretch filled with losses, is 76ers legend and former Sixer head coach Mo Cheeks on the verge of losing this Pistons locker room?Dan Feldman at  Maybe, but Cheeks has several things working in his favor.  I think these Pistons respect Joe Dumars enough to at least try to bite their tongue about coaching grievances during interviews, which is the same reason I think the Pistons mostly internalized their problems with Lawrence Frank last season.  Plus, after Cheeks was hired, the players spent a lot of time praising Cheeks as a person just to make Frank look worse by comparison.  I think they know if they complain about Cheeks now, they’ll be contradicting something they said recently and will want to avoid admitting their own mistake. As far as Smith specifically, I think he wants to shed the “difficult” label he developed in Atlanta.  I don’t know whether he has the patience to do that, but I believe he’s trying."